Cool Cat Coach Sharon Han


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“[Sharon] helped me process the root cause of my burnout with a clear goal of addressing different aspects that lead to the burnout like performance-based anxiety, working with specific personality types, upskilling on areas which need improvement etc.”

— Ranjan Jagannathan


  • Coach Practice Feedback Notes

    Click this button to go straight to your personal Google Drive folder with all your coaching feedback notes! Remember -- you'll need to sign into Google to access the folder.

  • Coach Practice Videos

    Ranjan Jagganathan Session #1

  • Coach Practice Videos

    Ranjan Jagganathan Session #2

  • Coaching Practice Videos

    Ranjan Jagganathan Session #3

Your Raving Fans!


“Sharon did give me some different perspectives on some things which allowed me to see things in a different light.”

— Ruud van der Linden, Founder of Infuse Video


“She helped me process and deconstruct hairy issues”

— Ranjan Jagannathan, Founder of Synapse Inc.

“She is a great listener and has timely prompts or nudges that help direct my processing of the situation in useful and productive ways.

— Ranjan Jagannathan, Founder of Synapse Inc.


“Mindset changes of transitioning from an entrepreneur to taking a leadership role at companies

— Ranjan Jagannathan, Founder of Synapse Inc.