
Ambassador Program

CliftonStrengths Ambassadors will represent teams and functions across the business. While individual ambassadors will work independently within their teams, they will also work in partnership with the larger group and Gallup Certified Strengths Coaches to share best practices, measure effectiveness, and promote consistency.

Unrealized Potential

Currently, companies that utilize CliftonStrengths as a learning and management tool are underutilizing their full potential. Typically, teams engage in initial on-site workshops and reviewing of assessment results, and leave inspired, but fail to implement their learnings into the workplace. The Ambassador program, a monthly training for company representatives, supports the culture of strengths development by providing accountability, coaching, and other resources to a few selected team members. These team members act as the “ambassadors” to encourage Strengths continually throughout the year.

In doing so, they will help to make strengths, part of their company's cultural DNA.


Initiatives could include:

✔ Strengths recognition programs

✔ Strengths sharing in team meetings

✔ Aligning strengths with OKRs, projects, departments, and partnerships

✔ Forming cross-functional committees with strengths input, and more.


Monthly Ambassadorship

Based on their role and business expertise, participants would have the autonomy to creatively design initiatives that best suit the needs of individual business units, while aligning with centralized programming.

This role would supplement an individual’s traditional role, requiring approximately 3-hours of commitment per month (individual months may vary) in addition to a 2-hour virtual touch base with a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach.

Ambassadors will participate in training on strengths-based methodology, StrengthsFinder themes, and team-based applications with the Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. They will also be given access to appropriate strengths materials.

While they will not become certified coaches, ambassadors will be able gain and promote strengths and competencies. Serving as a CliftonStrengths Ambassador is a valuable professional development opportunity, as ambassadors will be in visible roles across their teams and develop a wide range of leadership skills.

Serving as a CliftonStrengths Ambassador

is a valuable and professional development opportunity, as ambassadors will be in visible roles across their teams and develop a wide range of leadership skills:


✔ CliftonStrengths subject matter expertise

✔ Relationship building across all levels including stakeholder management

✔ Communication and promotional planning to varied audiences including presentation skills

✔ Innovation and creativity

✔ Teambuilding

✔ Strategic planning

Candidate Requirements


✔ Current strengths awareness and interest (within self and others)

Must have taken CliftonStrengths Assessment and participated in at least 1 coaching session, 1 team-building event, or 1 onboarding workshop and interested in expanding knowledge

✔ Willing and able to participate in virtual training specific to the role (exact time and dates TBD)

✔ Willing and able to devote approximately 5-hours a month to the role (will vary depending on time of year, programs) including:

  • Planning and promoting initiatives

  • Working with leaders to implement initiatives

  • Measuring effectiveness of initiatives and reporting back

  • Participating in quarterly group meetings

✔ Manager approval to serve in this position

✔ Comfortable presenting in front of groups

✔ Strong interpersonal communication and relationship skills, collaborates effectively with othersacross multiple locations

✔Strong time management skills

✔Presents a positive and engaged attitude

✔Full-time company employee in good standing