Bonnie and Megan Goering on Building Great Team Culture through Holistic Innovation | Episode 5

Perfectionism is the compulsive need to drink eight classes of water per day, to read every email before noon, to assign yourself more projects than you can possibly complete. Today, I talk with Megan about how perfectionism keeps us from becoming holistic innovators.

Megan is accomplished: she has led teams within Google's G suite, activated various entrepreneur endeavors, and now serves as a startup executive coach. Today, she will share what holds people back from building amazing teams: the habit trap and the pitfalls of perfectionism.

To move beyond these limitations, Megan suggests becoming a holistic innovator. How do we reconnect to the source of our passion? How do we limit perfectionism and channel that energy towards our true goals? Megan answers all of these questions and explores how becoming an ICF-credentialed factored into her journey as a holistic innovator.


Bonnie and Sharon Han on the Misconceptions about Millennials in the Workplace | Episode 6


Bonnie and Andrew Min on Holding Space so Clients Can Move from Distortion to Reality | Episode 4